Tingling in the Feet

Tingling in the feet is a term that refers to abnormal sensations that are felt in the feet. These sensations may be likened to very light vibrations that are felt in the foot. Cause Tingling in the feet is a symptom that is associated with nerve problems. For example, sitting in one position for hours on end can result in compression pressure on the nerve roots that causes tingling. Standing in one position for hours on end may do the same thing. Improper footwear can also cause tingling in the feet by compressing the nerves of the foot in between the toes or anywhere on the foot. The compression of a nerve may result for a herniated disk in the spine, arthritic calcifications in the spine, or an injury where the nerve has been crushed or otherwise damaged. Tumors, infections, inflammation in the area of the nerve, or even scar tissue can result in compression that then causes tingling. Another common cause of tingling in the feet is that of lessened blood flow to an area. For example, if someone has hardening of the arteries, the small capillaries that feed the feet their blood supply are often shriveled up or they die. When an area of the body does not receive blood supply with oxygen, it starts to die. This can also occur in those with diabetes. Diabetic neuropathy is a common cause for tingling in the feet. One last cause of tingling in the feet is nervous system disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, seizures, stroke, or Raynaud’s phenomenon. The nerves may also become dysfunctional, resulting in tingling in the feet from insect bites, certain medications, deficiency of vitamin B12 or other B vitamins, alcohol and drug abuse, or radiation therapy. Treatment and Prevention The cause of the tingling needs to be discovered in order to eliminate this condition. If the problem is a disk herniation, surgical disk repair may be the answer. There are new techniques for disk repair that may be done with microsurgery in an outpatient setting, resulting in less recovery time. If the problem is infections, the infection must be treated. If there is a vitamin and/or mineral deficiency, then the appropriate lab tests must be ordered and a treatment plan developed. If the problem is a Herpes zoster prior infection (shingles), then this must be addressed. Any medical treatment causing tingling in the foot should be treated. The first place to start is to evaluate your personal habits. Are any of them contributing to the tingling in the feet? For example, are you sitting or standing without proper footwear? Are your shoes cramping your feet? Changing one’s footwear can be one of the easiest ways to stop tingling in the feet, if the cause is related to footwear. Consider a Sensitive Foot Insole for cushion comfort.