Puncture Wound of the Foot
A puncture wound is a wound that occurs when a pointed object pierces the skin. The object damages tissues deep inside the foot. Usually the object is a nail or may be a staple from a staple gun, insulin needle or seashell. A bullet will also create a puncture wound. A puncture wound is accompanied by pain, bleeding, and inflammation. The problem with this type of wounds is that whatever caused the puncture may have been contaminated with bacteria, fungi, or other microbes and this contamination may easily set up an infection in the deeper tissues of the body. If the contamination is great enough, the infection may become systemic and is carried throughout the rest of the body. Signs of contamination include redness that may spread, heat in the area, swelling and sometimes the production of pus. Cause The cause of puncture wounds is stepping on a sharp object or becoming the victim of a sharp object in a work, home or other type of situation. Treatment and Prevention Any puncture wound needs prompt medical treatment. Cover the wound and bandage the foot before you get to the doctor. Don’t walk on the foot; keep weight off the foot to prevent further injury. Check out our Spenco 2nd Skin Bandages & Dressing Kits. It is easier to prevent infection in the early stages than later; thus antibiotics will be administered. Depending on the object that punctured the foot, a tetanus shot may be given. Medical treatment may involve surgery if the damage done to the internal tissues is severe.