Os Trigonum Syndrome

Os trigonum is a condition where an extra bone develops behind the ankle bone called the talus. The bone is embedded in a band of tissue and can prevent the talus from fusing with the rest of the bone during the developing years. It is associated with pain in the back of the ankle, especially when pointing the toes or during walking. However, in many cases, there is no pain at all. It may be seen in either one or both feet. Os trigonum syndrome occurs in those with os trigonum who are participating in activities that include a lot of toe pointing, such as ballet. This type of movement squeezes the bone between the ankle and heel, resulting in pain because the band of tissue it is attached to is torn or overly stretched. Inflammation results. Cause Os trigonum is a congenital problem. Os trigonum syndrome is caused by repetitive pointing of the toes or possibly an ankle injury. The area of the os trigonum will be tender and swollen. Treatment and Prevention Medical treatment may be necessary to rule out the diagnosis of other foot-related issues. Imaging tests will be ordered to make the proper diagnosis. An orthotic insert may assist in eliminating some of the pain of this condition by relieving the stresses placed on the os trigonum. An ice pack on top of 4 to 6 towel layers for 10 to 15 minutes will help decrease inflammation. This may be repeated several times during the day. Rest, immobilization and giving it time to heal itself is also important. Cortisone injections may be recommended; however, these have been found to decrease the fat pads in the foot, which is important to cushion the foot and avoid compressive force damage.