Discolored nails
The term “discolored nails” refers to toenails that have changed from the normal pink color to white, yellow or brown. Discolored nails can occur on just one nail on the foot or several. Cause Discolored nails is generally due to a fungal nail infection. The body usually prevents nail infections from occurring but if someone is deficient in certain nutrients that boost immunity, it’s easy to develop the infections. Treatment Medical treatment can be either a topical treatment or an oral antibiotic type of treatment. Oral medications can have harsh effects on the liver, so it’s best to look for other solutions. Addressing the body from the perspective of building the immune system is a good strategy and for this, nutritional supplements are used. This method can be used in combination with topical ointments for best results. One of the natural treatments that may be used is called Here2Clear™ Nail Renewal Therapy with 2nd Skin® Technology. This is a kit that contains a silver-containing gel which contains silver that is applied to the top of the nail, followed by the 2nd Skin ® Moist Pad that softens the nail plate and transports the Solver Sol® Technology to the source of the discoloration. In laboratory studies, Here2Clear Nail Renewal Therapy quickly (99%) kills a broad range of organisms, including T. rubrum & T. mentagrophytes (the two organisms commonly associated with nail fungus), as well as C. albicans, Ps. aeruginosa, and S. aureus. Independent clinical trials on more than 30 persons with yellow, thick and discolored nails found a significant improvement in their nails over the course of the trial ranging from 50% to 75%.